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Testing in construction

Learn Construction Material Testings Techniques
  1. Sieve & Hydrometer Analysis
  2. Moisture Content Determination
  3. Atterbury Limit (LL, PL, PI, SL)
  4. Specific Gravity
  5. Bulk Desnsity/Unit weight
  6. Swell Index Test
  7. Proctor Compaction(Std, Mod)
  8. 4 days soaked CBR (Std, Mod)
  9. Permeability Test (Constant Head/Falling Head)
  10. PH Value, So4-- Content, Cl- Content of Soil/Ground Water
  11. Organic content of soil
  12. UU Tri Axial Compression Test
  13. Unconfined Compression Test
  14. Field CBR Test
  15. Consolidation Test
  16. Aggregate Crushing Value (ACV)
  17. 10% Fines Value of Aggregates
  18. Aggregate Impact Value (AIV)
  19. Los Angeles Abrasion Value (LAAV)
  20. Unconfined Compression Test of Rock
  21. Specific Gravity and Water Absorption of Aggregates
  22. Flakiness Index and Elongation Index
  23. Field Density Test
  24. Point Load Strength Index of Rocks
  25. Non Destructive Hammer Test on Concrete
  26. Compressive Strength Tests on Concrete Cubes/Paving Blocks/Hollow Blocks
  27. Compressive Strength Test of Clay Bricks


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